Term 3, Week 7

LP1: Speech Intro and Conclusion
WALT capture the attention of our audience
  • Refresh!  Go through the Speech Intro Slideshow.
  • Watch! If you are unsure about HOW you can start, watch the video example which shows different types of speech introductions.
  • In your Writing Book, start putting your introduction together.  It must include your main ideas!
  • IF you finish writing your introduction, start writing your conclusion

LP2 - Spelling
WALT Spell accurately
  • Your task for spelling this week is to write your list of words into your handwriting book.  
  • Write each word neatly, three times on one line.
  • Write the date in Te Reo Māori and the WALT at the top of your page.
  • Take care with the size of your writing.
  • Make sure letters sit on the line.
  • 'Tall' letters just about touch the line above.
  • Make sure letters with tails swing just below the 'sitting' line.
  • Miss every second line
  • With a yellow jovi, highlight one word on each line that makes you proud
Blogging Cycle
LP3 - Feedback
WALT make a reflective comment

Comments allow students, and other readers, to engage in discussions, share their thoughts and connect with your class blog.  Research has shown that discussions about learning on blogs are important for reflective learning .  Comments that challenge or suggest alternative options encourage you to reflect, revise, evaluate and review your thoughts.

Each day you need to visit your buddy’s blog and make a comment on their work.

Have a good look around at the important learning they have been sharing.  Think and reflect carefully using Austin’s Butterfly
  • Make sure your comment is specific
  • Make sure your comment is kind
  • Make sure your comment is useful

Term 3, Week 6

LP1: Reading
WALT find and gather information
The Big Idea:  New Zealand has many unique species of plants and animals that should be protected and preserved.

NAtive New Zealand
WALT find and gather information

  • CHOICE:  Using a page in your Literacy Book ~ Google DRAW ~ or your Literacy SLIDE, create a ONE PAGE poster about a native NZ animal or plant.
  • Visit the Department of Conservation Website to find the information that you need
  • Find a picture of your Native New Zealand species or have a go at drawing it using the drawing tools (if you choose to draw it, this task must be done last)
  • Your poster will include at least FIVE quick facts and important information, threats and how we can help keep this species alive in New Zealand.

LP2: Speech Intro
WALT capture the attention of our audience
  • Refresh!  Go through the Speech Intro Slideshow.
  • Watch! If you are unsure about HOW you can start, watch the video example which shows different types of speech introductions.
  • In your Writing Book, start putting your introduction together.  It must include your main ideas!

LP3 - Spelling
WALT Spell accurately

Your tasks for spelling this week are to:
  • Write your list of words into your Homework Booklet
  • Write each word in PYRAMID  in the front of your Handwriting Book.
  • All words must fit onto ONE page
  • Te Reo Māori Date and WALT must be at the top of the page

Independent Tasks


WALT make a reflective comment

On your buddy’s blog, have a good look around at the important learning they have been sharing.  Think and reflect carefully using Austin’s Butterfly
  • Make sure your comment is specific
  • Make sure your comment is kind
  • Make sure your comment is useful

On a two page spread
work on task Seven
WALT collect ideas and inspiration

  • Use photos, magazine cutouts, words, lettering and images to create a page that captures the feeling of cold.
  • What kinds of things do you do when you are cold?
  • How do you dress?
  • What do like doing when you feel cold?

Write post on your blog about swimming.

WOW - Something that you are really good at

WOW - Something that you know you need to work on

NOW - What are you going to do differently/better than you did last year?

Term 3, Week 5

LP1: Reading
WALT use self monitoring when reading
  • Plan TWO reading sessions with your group
  • Each group member needs to take on a role
  • Follow all of the instructions on the teacher instruction sheet
  • Take your role seriously, because together you create and build vocabulary and meaning. I will check in with each group when you organise your session.

LP2: Mystery

WALT persuade others

  • There are three Mystery Envelopes on the board.  In each envelope, there are Mystery Prizes that you and your peers be able to win.  Prizes have no dollar value but rather an exciting choice and/or opportunity for you (and in some cases your peers)
  • Your task is to write me a letter (Google Writing Doc or Writing Book or Email), persuading me WHY YOU SHOULD WIN THE PRIZE.  If you choose to use Email, don't forget to write an appropriate title in the subject line e.g Mystery Prize One: Tineke
  • A SMALL CATCH - You need to choose an envelope before you start the task.
  • I am looking for good/interesting/funny reasons why you should win.  You will have to capture my attention with your introduction and persuasive text that makes sense and has good flow.
  • Good luck!

LP3 - Spelling
WALT spell accurately

Your tasks for spelling this week are to:
  • Write your list of words into your Homework Booklet
  • Write each word in PYRAMID  in the front of your Handwriting Book.
  • All words must fit onto ONE page
  • Te Reo Māori Date and WALT must be at the top of the page

Independent Tasks

WALT make a reflective comment

On your buddy’s blog, have a good look around at the important learning they have been sharing.  Think and reflect carefully using Austin’s Butterfly
  • Make sure your comment is specific
  • Make sure your comment is kind
  • Make sure your comment is useful

On a two page spread
work on task Seven
WALT collect ideas and inspiration

  • Use photos, magazine cutouts, words, lettering and images to create a page that captures the feeling of heat.
  • What kinds of things would you see that are hot?
  • What kinds of colours do you think of when you think heat?
NAtive New Zealand
WALT find and gather information

  • Using Google DRAW, create a poster about a native NZ bird.
  • Find a picture of your bird or draw it using the drawing tools
  • Include these facts in your poster:  Name of bird, habitat, what it likes to eat, two interesting facts

Term 3, Week 4

  • Plan TWO reading sessions with your group
  • Each group member needs to take on a role
  • Follow the teacher instruction sheet (CLICK HERE)
  • Take your role seriously, because together you create and build vocabulary and meaning. I will check in with each group when you organise your session.


Your task for spelling this week is to write your list of words into your handwriting book.  

  • Write each word neat and tidy, three times on across the line.
  • Write the date in Te Reo Māori and the WALT at the top of your page.
  • Take care with the size of your writing.
  • Make sure letters sit on the line.
  • 'Tall' letters just about touch the line above.
  • Make sure letters with tails swing just below the 'sitting' line.
  • Miss every second line
  • With a yellow jovi, highlight one word on each line that makes you proud


WALT make a reflective comment

On your buddy’s blog, have a good look around at the important learning they have been sharing.  Think and reflect carefully using Austin’s Butterfly
  • Make sure your comment is specific
  • Make sure your comment is kind
  • Make sure your comment is useful

On a two page spread
work on task FIVE
WALT collect ideas and inspiration

  • Think about what makes you smile and what makes you happy
  • Use photos, magazine cutouts, words, lettering and images to create a page of things that make you HAPPY.

Native New Zealand
WALT find and gather information

  • Using Google DRAW, create a poster about a native NZ bird.
  • Find a picture of your bird or draw it using the drawing tools
  • Include these facts in your poster:  Name of bird, habitat, what it likes to eat, two interesting facts