WALT use interesting sentence starters
Your task:
- Write a story on your WRITING DOC about the Cross Country.
- Use your five senses to help you
- Think about the seven servants
LP2 - SPELL: Writer's Group must also complete this task
WALT spell accurately
Your Task;
- In your Literacy Book, create a Spelling Pyramid for each of your spelling words
- It must be tidy
- You must write on the line
- You must use a ruler
WALT make inferences
Your Task:
- Complete this task in your LITERACY BOOK
- Read the text 'CAFE'
- Answer the questions at the bottom of the page
- Remember: Inference is not said directly - so read between the lines
- Remember: Look for key words to help you
- Remember: Answers must come from the clues you get in the story. Consider the writer's intent
WALT make a reflective comment on your friend's blog
Your Task:
- Comment on your buddy's Cross Country post (remember Austin's Butterfly)
- Comment on a Room 8, Room 3, Room 11 student blog
Your Task:
- Upload your inference activity to your ePortfolio
- WRITE your two WOW's and a NOW
Your Task:
- Upload your Cross Country Writing
- Highlight Language Features using the MATRIX